Data Submission

Please us the following guidelines when submitting your patient data:

  1. Data of the patient should be obtained with the patient in an open bite position (4-5mm or cotton rolls).

  2. Export data as "uncompressed multi-file dicom set.” Ideal slice increments is 0.3-0.5mm.

  3. Data can be exported anonymous to protect patient identity. If so, please provide the first name and last initial.


Digital Models

The preferred format of the dentition would be intra-oral scans exported in the .stl format.  This should include both jaws.

  1. Models may be sent to your local Nobel partnered digital dental laboratory for scanning.  They can forward the files directly to DDPC.

  2. Mail the models to our laboratory.  A  fee of $25 will be charged for each scanned in case.  This method will increase your turn-around time for case planning.

  3. Call us regarding protocols for edentulous patients.



It is essential that we evaluate images of a patient for any esthetic or full arch treatment.  DDPC will request patient photographs, if not received, may result in a delay of the treatment plan.  

Please reference these photographs for accuracy.

Please submit data using This is a free service.
